Infallible Mage(Sactum Ophidia)
(2 items) Adds Spell Critical (3 items) Deal 5% increase damage to boss monsters (4 items) Adds Spell Damage (5 items) Your fully charged...

Elegance(Sactum Ophidia)
(2 items) Adds 126 Spell Damage (3 items) Adds 945 Max Magicka (4 items) Adds 945 Max Magicka (5 items) Light and heavy attack damage...

Reactive(Imperial City)
(2 items) Adds Max Stamina (3 items) Adds Stamina Recovery (4 items) Adds Max Health (5 items) While affected by stun, immobilize, fear,...

Knightmare (Sactum Ophidia)
(2 items) Adds Physical Resitance (3 items) Adds Max Health (4 items) Adds Weapon Damage (5 items) Knightmare: 20% Chance on Melee attack...

Enternal Warrior(Sactum Ophidia)
(2 Items) Adds 4% Healing Taken (3 Items) Grants Minor Aegis,causing you to take 5% less Damage from Boss Monsters (4 Items) Adds 1064...

Dreugh King Slayer(Sanctum Ophidia)
(2 items) Adds 126 Weapon Damage (3 items) Adds 126 Weapon Damage (4 items) Adds 672 Weapon Critical (5 items) Passively Grants major...

Black Rose(Imperial city)
Location-This set can be Bought Using Tel-Var in the Imperial Sewers (2 items) Adds 1064 Max Health (3 items) Adds 967 Max Stamina (4...

Build Type-PVE Class-Dragonknight Role-Tank Affliction-None Helmet Item Set-Engine Guardian Helmet Trait-Divines Helmet...

Jamie Freyja Phillipsdottir
Build Type-PVE Class-Templar Role-DPS Affliction-None Helmet Item Set-Bloodspawn's Visage (Heavy but I really want medium) Helmet...

Flanking Strategist(Dark Brotherhood)
Location- I have No Idea Please let me know in the comments Thoughts- This is an Interesting set. You have to now be away of your enemies...